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Getting tired of picking beans . . . So . . .
Purple Queen beans are some of the most prolific producers. They are easy to see on the plants, what with their deep purple hue. Once boiled or steamed, they lose that purple and return to a more standard green. But like the more traditional green beans, they come on all at once and voluminously! So if you decide not to just leave them out for the white-tailed deer, uproot the entire plant and let them dry in the sun. We recommend blanching them before freezing.
Experimenting with Eggplant
While it is true that anything - almost - can be grown in a container, most things will do better out in open ground. So this year we are experimenting with eggplant in 5 gal buckets. Despite the fact that eggplant roots grow near the surface, they have to be able to grow for a very long season. Though we will let these grow out this year, we can't recomend containers for Black Beauties. Note the flea beetle damage contained to the lowest leaves.